Sunday, March 24, 2013

Let's Do This


Please accept me deepest apologies.

It's stupid. I kinda gave up on this blog not that long ago, well, a little longer than a short time ago. Not that I wanted to... I just forgot about it and my life got beyond crazy. So, now I'm finally getting around to doing a post and I feel bad. I will attempt to make it through this post without stopping.

This is a book review post, I guess. I kinda just decided that. And the book is..... The Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan. I think you'll like it.

Book: The Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan (Book 1)

Author: John Flanagan

To sum it all up: The Rangers were always mysterious and people tended to avoid them, for they thought that they had magic. Halt the Ranger of Remount showed up at the ceremony where apprentices are chosen; he hasn't been see there, well, ever. Will's friends are all chosen for apprenticeships, but he's not. Halt left a letter with the Baron and Will wants to know what it says, maybe it can change his future.

After sneaking across the yard and climbing the tower, risking injury and punishment, Will gets to the letter. Before he is able to read it, Halt grabs him and he is caught. Though, the letter can change his fate and his future and it does. The Ranger's Apprentice has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Lucky Will, for getting to take on that title.

Training with bows and knives, doing a large amount of housework, and putting up with the strait-faced ranger from the legends is a little more that Will expected. But the work pays off and his training gets him remembered and noticed by must in the area.

What I thought: I really liked it. The story was great and I wanted to know what would happen. It's a fun story and not to bizarre like some of the books I've read. It's a small book and it if definitely worth reading if you get around to it.

Genre: Action? Adventure?

Setting: The Ruins of Gorlan, Castle Redmount

# of pages: 249

Who's it for: Middle school, for sure

Warnings: None.

Other books with it: Alot. It's like, an eleven book series.

My star rating: 4 stars. (remember my rating can be kinda high or low)

So, that's about it. I'm glad I had time for this and I hope you'll accept me back as a blogger.
Love and arrows,

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