Friday, June 1, 2012

About Us

Hey, hey, hey.
My name is Alexandra Jennifer, but you can call me AJ. I love anything that has to do with music, writing, reading, art, and books. I'm a little crazy and out there, but can be a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy what we write.

Hey, this is Avery. I am fun, energetic, and love to laugh a lot. So, if laughing makes your life longer I'll probably live to be at least 150. I also like to talk and listen to music.

Hi, I am Josh. I like to read and write a lot. I also like playing soccer and running's a lot of fun. I play piano, and like to make up my own songs and listen to other music. I hope to become an author when I grow up, but whatever God has planned for me is great. Hope you like what we put on here.

Hi, names Carter. I love to read. I read mostly fantasy, distopian, and some science fiction, so that kind of stuff. I hope to be a teacher, musician, maybe a writer when I grow up. You can learn a lot by the way I will write my reviews. Sometimes I can talk very heartfelt or may have a crazy comment I hope you like our blog.

We hope you like us, and if you do tell your friends to visit this blog.


  1. Hey guys! You all sound like great people! I LOVE God, reading, and writing too. I am pretty similar to all of you guys and you all sound like great people. I'll be reading and commenting on your blog! Follow me back at

  2. I can't wait to see what fun stuff you all come up with for this blog! So far, I like what you like and vice versa. (: I love that song as well!
