Sunday, June 3, 2012

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

 Hi, this is Josh. Here is the first book review that I am going to do. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone, the first book in the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling.

It starts of with a boy named Harry Potter, who lives with his aunt and uncle. He starts receiving letters, addressed to him, from owls. His uncle bring him to a cabin to try and escape the letters, but they keep coming. Then at an old house, a large man comes, and tells Harry that he is a wizard. So Harry goes to a magical school named Hogwarts, and has a big adventure. He makes two best friends named Ron and Hermione, battles a troll, attends the classes, gets on a quidditch team which is a game on brooms, and visits Hagrid who gets a dragon, and many, many other fascinating and magical things.

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone is only the first of seven amazing books. I would encourage you to read this book and the rest of the series. It kept me on the edge of my seat while I was reading it and it was fascinating and creative.

Genre: The genre of the series is fiction.

Rating: I would rate this 4.5 stars out of 5.

Pages: About 300 pages.  


  1. Aye, I can't say that I have read any of the Harry Potter books--because I haven't. ^_^ I might decide to read them sometime. Are all the books good? Or do they get worse/better as the series goes on?

    1. They get why better as the series progresses. I highly suggest you read the entire series.

  2. Ooh! I read all the Harry Potter books! Great series! I haven't seen the last movie's yet, are they any good or have you not seen them yet either? Sea, they are all great. I've suggested them to you like 10 times and now finally you're considering it? Go figure ;)
    Happy reading!

  3. I just read that book not half a week ago-- and think it is massively overrated. The writing style was... passable, the humor fairly good, but the characters were downright horrible, and not just the evil ones. Yes, Harry's extended family are meant to seem mean, but is Harry himself meant to be evil? I can only hope that the rest of the books are better.
    I'd give the book 2.5 stars. Pretty bad for all the press it's got.
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    Liam, Head Phil
